By DEVYN LANSDEN, Editorial Editor

Editorial Editor Devyn Lansden’s dog, Otis, chases a ball during a game of fetch in June.

If you snap your fingers, that is how fast summer went by.

I am officially a senior, and I am kind of terrified. But I am also very excited because I have a lot of things going on. I am not going to get into that today, though.

What did I do this summer? Not a lot, but I am still going to tell you.

I worked in the recruitment office all summer with my friends and fellow student workers, Nick and Scotty. We gave a ton of tours.

During the summer, not much goes on around campus, but we stay busy giving tours and helping out with summer camps.

I went to Beaver a lot and saw my family, which was my favorite part of the whole summer.

I tried to go home as much as I could because I knew that, once school started, I would be busy.

We got a new puppy, and he has been going through his terrible twos. His name is Otis, and he has the craziest personality I have ever seen in a dog.

He is so funny, and my dad tells me all the time that, one day, I am going to have to take Otis. I would not be mad.

I have an interest in video, so this summer, I got a camera, and that also turned into an interest in taking pictures.

I used my model, Otis, of course. I also took some pictures of a friend playing basketball just to get some practice in. I took family pictures of my friend’s kids.

The month of July was very eventful. I turned 21 on July 3, got my wisdom teeth taken out and went to Las Vegas with my family.

I always hear horror stories about wisdom teeth surgeries, but mine was not bad at all.

I just was in pain for what felt like forever, but it was only a week and a few days. I was on a strict rule: every four hours, take Advil. I was on that schedule for a while. But as soon as I felt better ,it was already time to fly to Vegas.

My boyfriend, Eli, came with us to Vegas. He is scared of heights, if that tells you anything about how the flight went.

No, I’m kidding. He was fine, and when we got to Vegas, it made it all worth it.

A “Devyn moment” happened before we left, though. My driver’s license expired more than a year ago.

No one noticed, so everything was fine. But, of course, that would have happened to me.

We went at the end of July, so when we got back, I was super sad because that meant school was starting soon.

The rest of the summer, I hung out in Alva getting ready for school.

I am in NSA, and I am a peer leader for a Ranger Connection class this year. So, that was something I looked forward to.

We had a meeting one day before Freshmen Orientation, and I have had one class so far. I love the kids I have in it. I am so lucky and excited for this opportunity.

This summer was a little uneventful, but I enjoyed every day with my family and friends.

I know this year will have many “lasts,” and I cannot believe I am almost done.

But I will cherish every moment. Let’s all work hard this semester and get things done.

Have a great school year, everyone.

Otis pants after a game of fetch and poses for the camera.