by Ashley Strehl, Editor-in-Chief

Good afternoon, evening, morning, or whenever you may be reading this, to my readers, friends, peers, fans… ah who am I kidding, I don’t have any fans. Like Slim Shady, I’m back. Better than ever? No not really, but I’m ready for another fabulous year here at NWOSU.

You guys should know, this is my senior year, which means, yes I am FINALLY GETTING OUT!!! Unfortunately, it also means I am stressed to the max.

Sort of like in high school, everyone keeps asking me what I’m doing after graduation. That question was scary enough for me back then imagine how petrifying it feels now. I’m not going to college. I’m going into the… dun dun dun… REAL WORLD.

Guys, I have to be an adult, and wear pants. Am I ready? I’ll be straight up with you. I’m not. So if you see me around campus, just, please don’t ask me what I’m doing because there is a good chance I will start crying and leave you feeling very confused.

One thing is for sure, over the course of this year I am going to remain hopeful and work hard.

I don’t want to look back and think, “Man I wasted my senior year of college worrying and I let that worry get in the way of my goals.”
I work hard in particular for this newspaper. Although some employers look past it, this makes me look like a dedicated worker and strong spirited woman.

So, the main thing I am going to work on is staying focused on my baby, this newspaper. I know that sounds kind of creepy… but I’ve really dedicated three years to this newspaper and I will dedicate one more.

We have some new staff members on our team that give me great hope for the paper after I’m gone. I’m glad I’ll be able to look back and say that I planted that seed and taught them everything they needed to know.

Most of me may be scared for the future, but a part of me is ready. College is fun and all, but I’m ready to get out and start my life. You know, get married, have kids, all that crazy stuff.

I can’t wait to start a new chapter of my life. It’s scary but exciting, you get it.

I know I’ll be able to say that NWOSU prepared me to the best of their abilities. I have a great support system here between my friends, professors, co-worker’s and peers. I think they really all want to see me succeed.

Oh and hopefully I can come up with enough ideas to write my rants this semester. 😉