by Ashley Strehl, Editor-in-Chief

Sometimes in life, we all get lazy.

Here’s what I think, being lazy is rude and selfish. Basically, before you decide to be lazy, think about who it is affecting.

I know we all have those days where we can feel overwhelmed and we just want to give up and do nothing. But is that really the best choice?

I’m not going to be a hypocrite. I get lazy. I like to lay in bed with no pants on and play Roblox all day as much as the next guy.

However, what sets me a part from others as that I only do that when I have NOTHING to do, and no one is RELYING on me to do it.

Someone has asked you to do something and you agreed to do it. Make sense? THEN FREAKIN’ DO IT. If you think you can’t, THEN DON’T VOLUNTEER!

This seems like it would be easy enough to understand but I guess it isn’t!

I haven’t had something to rant about in a long while. Mostly because I try to keep a peaceful mind and not get as aggravated about things.

When it comes to my job as Editor-in-Chief I have problems with lazy people often. “Oh waa waa I don’t wanna write this story,” “Waa waa I’m busy with other stuff”

Bull poo-poo. No you aren’t. You literally just don’t want to do it because you are LAZY. And in turn? YOU MAKE MY LIFE HARDER AND MY JOB MORE STRESSFUL THAN IT HAS TO BE.

You’re probably wondering, “You mad bruh?” YEAH I’M MAD.

If you say you’re going to do something then do it. I literally won’t get mad if you don’t say that you are going to do it in the first place.

Leaving this story in 12 point font so you all can see that I’m BIG MAD. QUIT. BEING. LAZY.