By Allison Schieber, Student Reporter

Yesenia Buckhaults is a new professor in the education department. She received a bachelor’s degree in math education, a master’s degree in adult education and administration within business and math from Northwestern.

New education professor Yesenia Buckhaults is shown with her children. (Photo Provided)

Originally from Mexico, Buckhaults moved to Buffalo when she was nine.

Q: What brought you to Alva?
A: When I first graduated high school, I went with education. After doing research, I found that Alva had the best program in the state for that.

Q: What are you looking to accomplish in the classroom this school year?
A: Lots of things since it is my first year, but most of all I want to get a connection with my students and share my experience and knowledge with them as I prepare them to be teachers in the near future.

Q: Who was your hero?
A: My parents. That might be a common answer, but my parents didn’t get the opportunity to pursue higher education or a lot of education at all. I always admired how hard they worked. I want to do the same – working as hard as I can to accomplish my next goal.

Q: What is the scariest thing you have done?
A: The scariest thing I have done would probably be moving countries. I was old enough to realize what was happening, but not fully. I came to the U.S. not knowing any English so that itself was really scary.

Q: What is your superpower?
A: I am bilingual, and I can teach others. Teaching is not for everyone. There’s a difference between knowing it and teaching it.