The Presidential Preferential Primary Election is next Tuesday, and the Woods County Election Board Secretary, Sandra Koehn has tips on how to make your vote count.

One tip that Koehn gave is that it is important to completely fill in the boxes with either blue or black ink. She said that if there is a mistake made on the ballot, the voter should not try to correct the error, but should return the ballot to the precinct officials. The ballot will be destroyed, and the voter will receive a new ballot.

Another tip Koehn gave is that voters should take their voter identification cards with them to the polls. “Your voter ID card can help precinct officials find your name in the precinct registry, and it may help them resolve the problem if you are not listed in the registry for some reason,” Koehn said. The voter identification card is issued by the county election board. If you don’t have a voter ID card, bring an unexpired photo ID card issued by the U.S. government, the state of Oklahoma or a federally recognized tribal government.

If a voter doesn’t have a voter ID or valid photo ID, their name is not found in the precinct, or they disagree with the information shown in the registry, they can always cast a provisional ballot, which will be counted after Election Day.

Koehn also said that voters who are in a rush and want to get through the line quickly should vote at mid-morning or mid-afternoon, because there is not as much voter activity at this time.

The polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. next Tuesday.

“Anyone who is eligible and in line at the polling place at 7 p.m. on Tuesday will be entitled to vote,” Koehn said.

Following is a list of the precinct polling places in the presidential Preferential Primary Election on March 1, 2016: Precinct 760001 – Northwest Technology Center, 1801 S. 11th St., Alva, OK 73717; Precinct 760002 – Waynoka Housing Authority, 1237 Main St., Waynoka, OK 73860; Precinct 760003 – Homestead Retirement Center, 901 Homestead Dr., Alva, OK 73717; Precinct 760004 – Dacoma Community Center, Dacoma, OK 73731; Precinct 760005 – Alva City Hall, 415 Fourth St., Alva, OK 73717; Precinct 760008 – Methodist Fellowship Hall, 10836 Kiowa Rd., Freedom, OK 73842.