by Megan Brown, Student Reporter

Northwestern Oklahoma State University’s emergency message system is an important feature implemented by the university to ensure that they have quick access to information when needed.

The alerts are sent out to make students, staff and faculty aware of school closings, weather alerts and emergency situations. The alerts can be sent via text message, e-mail and phone call.

Kelsey Martin, director of marketing and university relations, is responsible for sending out the alerts in relation to weather updates.

After administration makes decisions regarding the weather conditions, Martin is responsible for making sure all formats of the alert are sent to those who have activated the system.

As for the test runs that are received monthly and possible emergency situations, Martin is not responsible for entering this data and sending the alerts.

Martin said that having the system as an option is important as it can be used for many purposes.

The recent winter weather storms that caused campus to open late and close early put the emergency system to use.

While some received all of the messages, others were missing some of the alerts.

Many students stated that they received some messages while their friends received the others. Some said that they got the e-mails, but not the texts.

Martin said she believes this could be related to all of the system changes Northwestern is in the process of making or because of other outside factors.

April Schultz, a social work major at Northwestern, has yet to sign up for the alerts as she was not aware that they were even an option.

She said that as far as she could remember, she was never taught how to set up her phone or e-mail to receive the free service.

Students who would like information on these resources should contact the school’s IT department.