By LANEY COOK, Student Reporter

College is hard, life is hard and even friendships are hard, but as long as you enjoy the little moments, it’ll all be worth it in the end.

This past year has had so much change, good and bad.

COVID making its breakout obviously caused a change in how everyone lives globally, but as that took place, other changes followed suit.

I changed my major from business administration with an accounting minor to mass communications with a general business minor last year.

It was a huge change, and I didn’t really even know what I was signing up for at the time.

I was just enrolled in basically the gen eds of mass comm, taking media history, intro to mass comm and media photography.

I loved it. And then we went virtual, making it hard to actually learn the material we were required to know.

It was difficult, but everyone made it through with the help of the professors and faculty.

Coming into the fall 2020 semester, I was nervous. The classes I enrolled in were some of the harder ones.

I knew I was going to have to start really kicking it into gear, especially with it still being hard to do everything with COVID still lingering.

I started writing for the college newspaper, and I was terrified.

I’ve never written anything other than the typical research papers.

I learned how to create videos and edit them with a program that was completely foreign to me.

I created a strategically-based plan on how to recruit people to a college or school, learning more in-depth information about what public relations and marketing has to do with it.

And now, I’m in the upper-level mass comm classes: the practicum classes.

I’ve been busier than ever, but not to the point where I just want to drop out and quit school altogether.

No, just busy enough to keep me up and around, making sure I’ve always got something to do.

I don’t mind the business, but make sure to also enjoy the little moments, too.

It’s hard to go out and about during this time, but even just little drives with people you care about can make all the difference.

Go grab some lunch with friends and call up your parents or grandparents.

Make sure there’s a time during each day to kind of just chill out for a little bit, take some time off and don’t worry about school or work or anything.

It doesn’t have to be huge, just something to take your mind off of everything else.

These little moments are what have kept me going through all this craziness the past year.

“Make sure to also enjoy the little moments, too.”
— Laney Cook