Student Reporter

An intriguing trend online is circling through various social media sites, asking those who have worked hard obtaining a doctorate’s degree to explain their dissertation research in one sentence.

Some of the responses were as follows:

“A community garden provides a community with a garden.” – Geography student, University of Otago.

“Here’s an awesome sci-fi novel written before 1900 – said no one ever.” – French student, Yale University.

Some of Northwestern’s Alva campus professors also chimed in.

“MacArthur spent a lot of time in the places he wrote about. I spent a little time there. Except Mexico. No habla espanol.” – Dr. James Bell, dean of Arts and Sciences.

“Spence was a bastard to the Irish, but d**n that poem was beautiful.” – Dr. Myers, visiting author.

“Some rattlesnakes are very smart. Others not so much.” – Dr. Aaron Place, biology professor.

“Dudes do dude stuff. Sometimes chicks do dude stuff too.” – Dr. Jennifer Page, English professor.