by Angel Perez, Student Reporter

Why did you choose this major?

I chose to pursue the major of Business Admin because when I was in high school, my high school teacher would actually tell me about his investments and properties in class. I was intrigued the more he kept explaining the part of business education he had in order to understand some situations. I then started researching potential jobs with a business degree before I started college along with yearly incomes and I knew it was something I wanted to do. I have never switched majors in college and I am so glad I found what I wanted to pursue before college began. I think Business is something that the world will always need or never fall short of. The amount of career paths you can pursue with this degree is amazing.

What is your favorite class?

This is actually a very tough question because I have enjoyed so many business classes here at Northwestern. I am torn between Sports Marketing with Dr. Palmer and Technology and Marketing with Dr. Stockmyer. As a Marketing minor, I enjoy/have enjoyed these two classes because the professors do an excellent job teaching the course and keeping topics relevant to today’s society and business world. I have learned quite a lot from these two professors and I will always recommend these classes to anyone who has an interest in Marketing.

What is the best part of being in your major?

I think the best part of being in my major has to be the professors I have and my classmates. As you get a step closer to your degree every single year, you start to see so many familiar faces that soon become friends within the same major. I enjoy my major because I really believe it has a wide variety of personalities and different perspectives in every single business class. The resources that are offered as a business major is great. One’s own professors could be people that can open that door for you as they have been business owners, stock investors, or accountants before. It is a a huge network within the entire business program and I think that is amazing and so helpful.

Tips for underclassmen in this major?

Tips that I would say are important for this major is to first, build friendships with your professors. It is so important to communicate with your professors at all times and have a great relationship for future references. Secondly, staying on top of your work. For this major is very time consuming, but very rewarding. Just staying focused and having an open mind will be a huge help to know. Although sometimes the work load piles up, there is a reason for every single thing you do. And do not forget, the slightest details matter.

What is your dream job within this career?

My ultimate dream job within this career is to work with the National Basketball Association. Not just any ordinary job, but being on the marketing team for select pro teams. Since I absolutely love my home state, I would love to work with the Los Angeles Lakers and be living in California. Sports Marketing is ultimately my dream career and I plan to expand my network as I graduate and leave Northwestern and work as hard to have the job and lifestyle I want.