by Angel Perez, Student Reporter

Why did you choose this major?
I chose this major because I want to learn the business side of sports. I’ve been a athlete my whole life, and I know all the on the field tasks. Now with this major I am able to understand the business side and behind the scenes work of coaches and sports administrators.

What is your favorite class?
My favorite class was facilities management with Mr. Hansen. The class goes into detail about how to care for sports facilities and how to build and structure new facilities.

What is the best part of being in your major?
The best part of this major is it sets me up and prepares me for my future goals and aspirations.

Tips for underclassmen in this major?
Underclassmen, whatever class you take really invest your time and use it to your benefit. You get out what you put in, so if you’re paying for the class might as well actually buy in 100% and learn new things.

What is your dream job within this career?
My dream job is to become and athletic director of a university. This job will allow me to continue to be around sports and be able to help student athletes reach their maximum potential. Also, I don’t have a specific sport that I only want to work with, because I love all sports, and Athletic Directors are able to work with every sport that is offered at that campus.