by Brayden Wilson, Student Reporter

Why did you choose this major?

I felt that my heart belonged in music and teaching others. I had started out as a Nursing major, but felt music pulling me, so I answered that call

What is your favorite class?

My favorite class is definitely Applied Voice with Mrs. Newell. Every year I get to improve and see that improvement in my performances

What is the best part of being in your major?

The best part about my major is seeing myself grow in my music and general confidence. Every time I go on a stage it feels like the hardest thing I’ve ever done, but pushing through that feeling and improving is what makes me happy.

Tips for underclassmen in this major?

The only tip I’d have to give to an underclassmen in this major is to be sure you have a passion for it. If you’re doing things properly you spend hours in practice rooms getting ready for whatever thing you need to do next. It’s never boring, but it’s never easy either.

What is your dream job within this career?

My dream job with this major would be to have a business teaching people how to sing or make their own music. Along with making my own music.