Back to the grind as year winds down

By DEVYN LANSDEN, Editorial Editor

I hope everyone had a good break and is having a great first week back. I am glad to be back and in my normal routine again.

Fall break, of course, went by way too quickly. I had a lot of fun being with my parents and boyfriend.

We took our dog Otis to the vet, and he had to stay overnight. He did not want us to leave, but I went and got him the next day.

We are trying to teach Otis to have better manners.

He is a dog who thinks he is a lap dog. He jumps up on people, and he is so strong he could knock people over if they aren’t prepared.

Of course, he means well by it, but he just does not know his own strength. But we are teaching him every day.

I got to Beaver Wednesday, and my parents were taking pictures in Guymon. So, my boyfriend and I made home-made crunch wraps.

We used spicy sausage and white queso, and we air-fried a tortilla. It was better than Taco Bell, if I do say so myself.

Thursday was when I took Otis to the vet, and then I took pictures at the Beaver football game for my dad.

I enjoy taking pictures, and the weather this whole week has been so nice.

Thursday night, I went to a football game in Balko and brought my grandpa with me. I love spending time with my grandparents; I try to be with them as much as I can when I am in Beaver.

Friday morning, we went to Liberal High School and visited my dad.

There are multiple buildings on the Liberal campus. The building my dad was in had a black theater for kids and a store with shirts that the kids made.

I thought it was neat to see that kids have such a cool opportunity to do things that I never got to do in high school.

My dad showed us around a little bit because kids do not go on campus on Fridays, another thing I wish I had in high school.

Friday was a work day for him, so we got to hang out and see the school for a little bit.

Friday was a fun day; I went on a lot of walks with my boyfriend.

We had to kill time to wait for my parents to get off of work, so we went on walks to pass the time by. That night, we went to the casino in Guymon and went out to eat.

My parents had to take pictures at the bowling alley for senior pictures. My boyfriend and I played two rounds of bowling and I, of course, won.

After we bowled, we headed back to Beaver, and I got some homework done, which was nice. Then we hung out.

The movie “Halloween Kills” came out last Friday, so that was a priority we had.

We watched the 7:25 p.m. movie, and it was so full in the theater we almost weren’t able to sit with each other.
But the movie was great and I thought it was worth it.

Sunday was a relaxing but also sad day. I was not ready to leave and go back to Alva.

The break was so short, but it was so nice to be with my family.

This week has been busy, but there is no better way to start the week than to hit it head-on.

The year is winding down, and some people will use it as an excuse to slack off. But now is when we all need to keep working as hard as we have been this whole year.

We’ve got this. Let’s finish strong.

Devyn Lansden took this picture of her dog, Otis, after they finished going on walk on Sunday.
Devyn took this picture at the Beaver Sandhills Friday while on a walk. -Photos by Devyn Lansden