Student Reporter

Family Day is an annual event Northwestern has that allows students to bring their families to campus and enjoy a day hanging out and watching the Northwestern football team play.

This year, the Bouse Family attended the event with their two daughters, Jillian Bouse and Ella Bouse, currently working toward an education degree from Northwestern.

Bart and Angie Bouse reside in Woodward, where their two children graduated from high school. Bart Bouse is a 1990 graduate from Northwestern Oklahoma State University with a bachelor’s degree in science and accounting.

Bouse said he has many fond memories of Northwestern. He was able to meet a lot of friends while attending college in Alva, and he still keeps in contact with them today.

Bouse said Northwestern sits in a small town that has a wonderful community; Northwestern offers the same opportunities education-wise as any other school, but here you get the family feel with your education.

When asked about what she was looking forward to on Family Day, Angie Bouse said that she was looking forward to seeing her two daughters in Alva and being able to spend time with them as a family.
She said that both of her daughters are happy at Northwestern and that they feel like they fit in. She also says that everyone around the area is friendly and accepting, which makes it a good environment to go to school. She also mentioned that the price of the university is affordable.

The Walker Family from Enid joined their daughter, Zoe Walker, to celebrate the annual Family Day event at Northwestern.

Zoe Walker is a freshman on campus majoring in elementary education. Her dad, Christopher Walker, and her mom, Jessica Walker, were able to come to Alva to enjoy a day of hanging out and watching the Northwestern football team play.

Zoe Walker said Northwestern is providing her an opportunity to receive an education that is financially reasonable. She says that it is wonderful to be able to go to school without the stress of wondering if she is going to be able to afford the classes or not. She added that she loves that Alva is not far from her family, so she has the option to go home on the weekends and not spend a lot of money on gas.
Christopher Walker said he looked forward to spending Family Day with his daughter and to see what her daily routine looked like in college.

He said he has a better understanding of the day in the life of a Northwestern student. He got to see where she studies and who she studies with.

He said he has always known about Northwestern, but now that he has a daughter attending the university, he has come to like it more and more. He said the way the city supports the college is like nowhere else. After visiting the campus all day and visiting with some professors, he knows why Northwestern has a high success rate.

Scholarship winners included Jaden Bloyd, Alva senior majoring in business administration/markteting, Morgan Durbin, Medicine Lodge, Kansas frshman majoring in biology and Andrew Gribble, Woodward freshman majoring in math.

Bart Bouse, Ella Bouse, Jillian Bouse, and Angie Bouse came for the family day game. Photo by Sagelyn Budy.
Jessica Walker, Zoe Walker and Christopher Walker enjoy Family Day at the football game. Photo by Sagelyn Budy.