Senior Reporter

Northwestern Oklahoma State will celebrate family day on Saturday, Sept. 28.

Family day is a time where families have the opportunity to visit Alva for a variety of events.

“Family Day is mostly to just get the students and the families more connected to Northwestern,” Janie Rempel, Family Day Student Coordinator said, “Because we are all part of a ranger family.”

The festivities will begin on Tuesday, September 24 with the annual shopping for tuition. This event is hosted by over 20 local businesses.

“Students can visit with the store owners; see the different items they sell there and enter to win the different scholarships” said Ethan Sacket, Student Success coordinator.

A $200, $300 and a $500 scholarship will be given out. Families are able to enter one name at each of the businesses. Winners must be present at the football game to win. The shopping for tuition event will end on Saturday at 11 a.m.

On Saturday, families can visit the local businesses. Family day registration will be from 12 until 2 p.m. in the Student Center.

Also in the Student Center Ranger Room will be an alumni, Parent, Student lunch at 12 p.m. families must RSVP for the lunch by September 24.

The Ranger Mart will be open from noon until 2 p.m. Families are able to shop for their ranger gear in the bookstore from 12 until 4 p.m.

Families can also receive free admission to the women’s soccer game at noon when they will play OBU at the Ranger Soccer Field.

“Families get to attend two free sporting events and get to feel the Ranger atmosphere that we have,” Rempel said.

The gates for the Ranger football game will open at 4 p.m.

On the fourth parking tier, all families are encouraged to attend the Tailgate Party.

“The scholar ambassadors are in charge of putting on the tailgate. We have many different businesses from the community that host that,” Sacket said. “Helping with the tailgate is always a joyous time.”

Free food and drinks will be served. Kick off will be at 6 p.m. The Rangers will be playing Southeastern Oklahoma State.

For more information regarding Northwestern’s Family Day or shopping for tuition head to