By DEVYN LANSDEN, Photo Editor

Devyn Lansden

I can’t believe my time at Northwestern is coming to an end. In the past four years, I have made lifelong friends and learned a lot about myself.

I have learned not to listen to what other people think or say. Do what makes yourself happy. Let those people put others down if that is what they want to do. I am going to do what I know I will be good at, regardless of what people think.

Use the negative energy as motivation, because it will come your way whether you like it or not. The more you thrive and succeed, the more judgment you will receive. Don’t let happy moments be ripped from you because other people don’t think it’s a good idea.

I got a job as an insurance agent. I have already begun working remotely, and I know this is something I am going to be good at. I enjoy connecting with people and being able to help them. Will I get people who will hang up? Yes. Will I get rejected? Yes. Do I care? No. It is a part of the job, and I knew this when I started. But I worked hard, spending every moment of my free time studying to pass my test to get my license. Now I am getting the hang of my new job, so when I graduate, I am going to take off and be confident in myself.

Did I get a lot of negative comments about this? Yes. I used that negative energy to pass my test. I am going to continue to use the negative energy to be the best agent and make my way to the top.
I am so excited for this new journey to begin. I will be moving to Tulsa when I graduate and begin my new life there.

My life at Northwestern has been the best. I am forever grateful I came to Northwestern and met the teachers, classmates and friends I did. These are people I will keep in touch with for a long, long time.

I found myself here. I found what I am supposed to do and who I am supposed to be. I want to thank everyone I have crossed paths with here at Northwestern. You have impacted me more than you know.

One thing I want to be taken from my farewell column is: Do not listen to what others think. Do what you want to do. Find your calling and do not stop chasing it.

Ride, Rangers, Ride.