
As the semester is coming to an end, everything seems to get a little more intense. You have project due dates, papers that need written, late assignments you missed, and finals that need studying for.
For me, this is the worst/best time of the semester. You’re excited it’s almost over, but dreading all the work that looms ahead. I’ve found some techniques that have helped me through the years, so I thought I’d share them in case they help you too.
First thing I like to do, figure out all your deadlines for all your assignments, and write them down somewhere, in order. Always give priority to the closest ones. By writing them down, you’ll see how many you have, when they’re due, and what needs done first. This gives you a game plan, and helps you schedule your time accordingly. It’s easy to get frustrated thinking about it as a whole. Break it down, and accomplish it piece by piece.
There are some ways to help you distress during this time. Obviously, if you have a huge work load, you’re going to have schedule more time for yourself. Which means less time with friends, and family. That part sucks. But time for yourself doesn’t include Netflix, napping, or scrolling through social media.
This means down time to get started on the mountain of assignments you know you have. Unless your planning on almost failing, or failing, and just dropping the class. Then this doesn’t apply to you.
Find yourself a quiet place you can work, be yourself, and get stuff done. Library study rooms are great for this, but they fill up quick. You can also do this in your dorm, or you can venture out and go to the park, or somewhere on campus.
When I get ready to start this, I like to listen to music. It keeps me focused, but also entertained. The silence is eerie. I also like to keep snacks near by, so I don’t feel the need to keep getting up. I helps to stay focused for as long as possible but do not be afraid to take breaks.
If you did not procrastinate till the last minute you do not have to rush through your assignments. By taking breaks it keeps your mind aware. When you come back and reread your writing you will be able to catch errors you did not notice before.
Caffeine may not be for everyone, but it’s definitely one of my necessities. Whether it’s long nights (like in my case), early mornings, or between busy schedules, it keeps you going, and keeps you more focused. Stay well rested. Get plenty of sleep at night, so you’re not already dragging through your day by the time you get to this.
Eating healthy can help you stay awake, feel good, and keep the sickness’s away. It’s easy to overstress, and get sick. Especially living on campus, and in the dorms.
All in all, put your mind to it. Build your empire. Success is your friend. Failure is your enemy. Good grades can get you far. Keep your goals in mind, and let them remind you to keep pushing forward. It is a little late to stop now. The reward at the end is always greater than the struggle at hand. You can celebrate later. Get the work done now.