by McKayla Holson, Editorial Editor

I admire those who have a clear direction of where they are going in life.

Not only do I admire these people, but I am jealous of them as well.
They have a goal to work toward, they are determined, they know what they want.

What do I want? I don’t know.

For years now, I have been told “Oh, you have plenty of time, you’ll figure it out, it’ll come to you,” but I’m running out of this “time” they keep telling me I have.

Here I am, in my third year of college, and I still have no idea what I want to do for the rest of my life.

Where will I end up? What will I do?

These questions are almost haunting me. The time ticks by, so slow yet so fast, and the questions just burn deeper.

Sure, I have my major and I can do a lot with the degree, but will I find something that makes me happy and that I enjoy? Will I find my dream career? Whatever that may be.

Speaking of my major, I get asked a lot if I’ll pursue my master’s after I graduate. How could I possibly make a decision about that when I don’t know what I’ll be doing? If I knew what I wanted to do, I could decide if a master’s would be beneficial or not. Unfortunately, I have no clue what career I want to focus on.

As the years fly by, I wonder if I’ll ever actually find the career that is the best fit for me. I wonder if I’ll ever have my great “Ah, yes, this is what I want to do for my life” moment.

Will I ever be like the students who so confidently say “I’m going to be doing this at this place in this many years” and be able to follow a clear career path?

I know I’ll eventually find my place. Unfortunately, the journey to that discovery is long and sometimes stressful.