Some of the items in the campus police department’s lost-and-found collection are shown Tuesday. Students who find missing items should turn them in at the campus police office, where owners can reclaim them.

By Connor Gray

When stuff turns up missing at Northwestern, where does it go?

Students who find lost keys, phones and other items can turn them in at the campus police office – and that’s where students on the hunt for missing goods can start their search.

The campus police department’s office is in the Student Center. Many objects have been found and returned to their owners, but some have yet to be reunited with.

“We usually don’t have any issue of getting items back to the owner,” Northwestern Police Chief Dennis Kilmer said.

Some of the items in the campus police department’s lost-and-found collection are shown Tuesday. Students who find missing items should turn them in at the campus police office, where owners can reclaim them.

The department stores the items in boxes. Hoodies, T-shirts, earbuds and phones are some of the items that typically go in a lost-and-found box.

Student workers keep records of the items they’ve been given, the people who turned them in, the date the objects were found and the locations they were found.

“If somebody has lost something they ask, ‘Do you have this item?’ If we do, we get it for them,” Kilmer said.

Unclaimed items remain in the lost-and-found, and sometimes, they stick around for a long time.
“We’ve had stuff from last year like backpacks, coats, boots and shirts,” Kilmer said. “If it’s something usable like clothing, I would like to see about donating it to a ‘warmth for winter’ kind of thing,” Kilmer said.

The campus police department’s phone number is 580-327-8511.