By DRAVEN SMITH, Student Reporter

College campuses are among the greatest destinations for ideas to flourish and grow into actions that allow for the prosperity of the future.
Elon Musk helped to found PayPal in his college years and used the money he made from selling the company to buy into a small car company that specialized in electric cars.

For some people, college is just a means to an end, a piece of paper at the end of four more years of school that allows them to obtain a job in which they can earn a higher income to afford the luxuries life has to offer.
For others, it is the peak of all the greatest times of their lives. A time in which the greatest moments will be experienced, and the best memories will be crafted with some of the best people that have ever surrounded them.

Yet for many, it is the beginning of the greatest accomplishment they will ever achieve: finding their purpose.
Realizing that being handed a diploma is not the only thing they came to college for, but also for learning and experiencing and most importantly thinking about what will truly shape the future of their own and others’ lives.

College is important to them, not only for the education taught by professors in classrooms, study halls and libraries, but also for the knowledge obtained and the real-life lessons learned in the same locations because of the conversation with their neighbor before the professor walked in, or after they formed a study group to meet every Wednesday for three hours and no one opened a book.

They realized college had a lot more to offer than just a piece of paper at the end of it all.

They learned how to be themselves, something no professor, book or otherwise could ever do.

“Yet for many, it is the beginning of the greatest accomplishment they will ever achieve: finding their purpose.”