Katherine Blair conducting the band during the basketball game.


The Fine Arts in schools are slowly disappearing as we speak. Schools are cutting programs and here in Oklahoma especially were running out of teachers to teach these classes. I am blessed to have come to a school where the Fine Arts are appreciated. The professors I have been given the pleasure to work with and for as well as learn from have made me into the person I am today.
I am HIGHLY involved in our fine arts programs on campus. From being president of the Theatre Club to being on the Choral Leadership Team and to being Co-Conductor of the Pep-Band, I first hand have seen the importance of being involved in the Fine Arts. I am an Instrumental Music Education Major. Sure this all keeps me busy but I wouldn’t trade what I am doing, for the world.
The Fine Arts programs that are being cut in high schools all across America is a serious problem. Studies show that there are about 10 ways that the Fine Arts help children of all ages.
Creativity is one way the Fine Arts help children, this is kind of a no-brainer but the Arts as a whole help us as people express ourselves through creativity. Studies have also shown that the Arts have improved academic performance.
A report by Americans for the Arts states that “young people who participate regularly in the arts are four times more likely to be recognized for academic achievement than children who do not participate.”
Another way is it helps with Confidence there is something special about being involved in the Arts and participating in them that boost confidence. There are many more examples but I think you get the point. Being involved in the Fine Arts can be a very personal thing. Allowing your mind to expand and grow in something much bigger then ourselves is really an incredible thing.
If it wasn’t for being involved in the Fine Arts, I wouldn’t be in this degree. The Fine Arts as a whole has personally changed my life and has allowed me to overcome things I never thought I could. I was able to escape the reality I was in and express myself in ways words couldn’t.
The arts are so important. They allow us as people to connect with each other. Arts allow students of many different backgrounds and ethnicities to connect in a way sports and the class room cannot. Arts can have an impact on a student’s behavior and the way they think.
I want to become a Music teacher because I feel that to teach others the value of themselves and the ability to find and express how they feel is my goal. I want to become a teacher not only for the students but for myself. To know I touched someone’s life with music like it touched mine, I will know that I have succeeded. That is why I want to become a Music teacher.