by Nick Dill, Student Reporter

When people think of important positions on a football team, people usually think of a quarterback or a running back.

One of the most important positions on the football team is the kicker.

Kickers are usually overlooked and are underrated players on a team.

Kickers are usually thought of as players that don’t do anything at practice, and everyone thinks the kickers have the easiest job on the team. People think it’s so easy to be a kicker, but what most people don’t realize what all it takes to be a successful kicker.

Why is a kicker one of the most important positions on a football team?
Kickers are important because they score points, and they win games for their team. Kickers are usually the leading scorers in points on their team.
They also help determine field position. If a team has a kicker that can kick touchbacks, then teams will not have to worry about tackling anyone after their team kicks off the ball.

Most games are determined by the kicker. For example, the score is 22-20 with five seconds left in the game. The team is losing and down by 2. It’s fourth down and the kicker will either make it or miss it, and that kick will determine who wins the game.

Kickers deal with the most pressure compared to any other position on the team. A kicker’s job is to be clutch when the game is on the line. They have to be ready to hit that game-winning kick as time expires off the clock.

Kickers train non-stop to master their craft. Kicking a football through the uprights is harder than most people think.

Kickers have to learn a specific technique. First, the kicker has to take his steps straight back and then straight over. Second, the kicker needs to make sure that he is lined up with his target point, and then finally the kicker has to make right ball contact on his foot and follow through straight after contact.

Kickers have to be alert and quick. One field goal operation occurs in 1.3 seconds, from the time it leaves the snapper’s hands and then is kicked off of the kicker’s foot.

A successful kicker will work tons of kicks with his holder and snapper to make sure they are prepared when it’s their time to shine.

Kickers are also some of the most mentally tough players on the team too. They have one shot to either make it or miss it. There is no redo on a kick. For example, if it’s first down and the quarterback throws an incomplete pass, then he has another down to complete a pass.

Although, a kicker just has one down to make a kick.

If there is one thing people should remember about kickers, it is this statement, kickers are people too.