Student Reporter

There have been rumors about a $200 parking fee at the tiers located on the south side of the football field. The coordinator of Athletic administration, Becca Cook confirmed the rumors as true. According to her, the cost turned out to not only be a bargain for the ones that pay it but also for the betterment of the community as a whole.

“As someone who attends Ranger sports as a job and as a paying student, it’s really an inconvienience to not be able to park in the tiers for free,” said Nick Villalobos, sports editor for the Northwestern News.

For the first year, an individual pays $250, the second and third year is $200, which comes with two season tickets per parking space. This means that students get the parking space and two season tickets with each purchase.  The offer is not limited to just students, but everyone who is interested in the parking spot.

The Herd is also allowing parking for members who have signed up for the club. Formed recently, if an individual purchased their membership for The Herd, they are able to join the tail gate that the club has reserved on the fourth tier. This is the same parking lot overlooking the football field. Upon payment, each vehicle will come with a car tag to show permission; without a tag, one can’t go in. The fourth tier is controlled by The Herd, and anyone is welcomed to join. The group’s main objective is to support the athletes and make the games more fun.

“I think that with us being students, we should get discounted prices for spots below the top tier,” said junior education major from Moore and former football player Jake Spradling. “We do have spots in the stands and on the top tier for Herd members.”

Cook said that it’s considered a student section for each game. All athletes from different sports get a point for coming to the game, at the end of the year those with the most points will be eligible for a prize, which is either a T.V or an X-Box.

During a game, members of The Herd will have a draw in for a prize. The members also get T-shirts and a car tag that will make them stand out. This gives them the opportunity to have fun before and during the game with their friends. The idea came from a meeting held by Andy Carter, the Athletics director to get more students involved in games. The group has reached more than 100 students and is still aiming for more. “Alva, being a small town, there is a lot less that people could do. Why not come out with friends and have a good time in general” Cook said.

There is an option of purchasing season tickets, $50 each for the six home games. This means that they are less than $10 a game. If there are more than two people that want the parking spot, they could buy a season ticket and save a whole lot of money.

A lot of people know about the parking but don’t know that they have an option of purchasing a season’s ticket.

The initiative has brought about much attention to the group as it is exponentially growing. The idea of getting a t-shirt and a parking space, kind of like a V.I.P section, will surely get people’s attention.

“The fee everyone is fussing about is actually an annual registration fee that one could pay, kind of like a seasonal ticket in one package.” Cook said.