By CAITLIN COODY, Student Reporter

The Freshman 15: College Relationship Tips

Caitlin Coody

Can you believe it’s already November? It’s crazy how time flies, especially, being a senior and looking back at all you’ve accomplished…and failed. Some of those fails bring me to some advice for freshmen, maybe sophomores, who are just now getting a feel for the college life.

I’m talking about dating! It’s a messy but fun part of life. With the help of other students on campus, I’ll give you 15 tips on college relationships.

  1. “Don’t force a relationship out of thin air….” – Sarah, Senior

I’ve see this happen to college students, and friends, quite often. A boy and a girl who consider each other somewhat attractive wind up in a compromising situation that leads to some kind of hook-up, and the next day, feel obligated to call it a relationship.

Maybe it’s a guilt thing; if things work out, they can later say it was “love at first sight,” that they looked into each other’s eyes and “just knew”. Or maybe this is just their way of following one of those “romantic comedy misconceptions”— the idea that a random hook-up will ultimately become your soulmate.

“Don’t force a relationship out of thin air; accept that some attraction is fleeting,” said Sarah.

  1. “Never trust too easily.” – Katie, Junior

Let’s face it – not everyone has the best of intentions. One difference between high school and college relationships is that in high school, you have a smaller pool of potential boyfriends and girlfriends, and it is likely you have known most of them since you were kids.

Therefore, even though people change over time, your judgment in choosing a significant other is probably better because you have known these people for a while.

In college, however, you are often thrust into a completely new social circle, and because of this, you don’t know much about the true character of that cute guy you met in the dining hall. You don’t need to be completely paranoid, but be careful when you place your trust in others. “Don’t open yourself up to someone who doesn’t deserve it,” said Katie.


  1. Avoid comparisons.


Chances are, you and your significant other will probably tell stories about exes from time to time, and that is totally normal. However, don’t go on too much about your past relationships. There is a reason those ended, and if all you ever do is talk about all the nice things your ex did, your current significant other will probably either feel inadequate or annoyed.

Stay tuned next week for the next three tips for college relationships. I asked the guys what they think of college dating.