By CAITLIN COODY, Student Reporter

To catch you up if you missed last week’s tips: 1. “Don’t force a relationship out of thin air…,” 2. “Never trust too easily,” and 3. Avoid comparisons.

This Week on the Freshman 15 dating advice, we sat down with some of the guys. They gave their insight to tips on dating in college.

  1. Don’t kiss and tell!

Although your friends are probably thrilled for you, they don’t need to hear every last detail about how much you love your significant other or how the two of you spend every second of the day. Keep some things to yourself.

  1. First impressions will only take you so far.

Yes, first impressions are important in many scenarios, but keep in mind that things can change over time. “At my freshman orientation at college, the girl I thought disliked me and was too cool for me wound up becoming one of my best friends,” said Tyler, Junior, “there have been times when I met people and thought we would be close, and they ended up disappointing me.”

You have to be receptive to the way people change, and be open to the fact that some people may surprise you (in good or bad ways).

  1. Go on dates.

This may sound obvious enough, but so many people forget about dating and end up sinking right into a married couple routine. Comfort is great, but in your late teens and early twenties, do you really want to lose all sense of romance?

“Hanging out in a dorm room all the time can get boring really quickly,” said Michael, Senior. Don’t let that happen to you while you are still in college. Plus, dates allow you to meet new people!

Keep reading after Thanksgiving for more tips on college dating.