Student Reporter
Am I missing something?
I came to college with the impression that we are here to learn, not party and hook-up four years of our lives away.
Now don’t get me wrong, I love the occasional party and hanging out with friends. Watching drunk people stumble around and make mistakes is so much fun! Defusing those fist fights? That is the highlight of my night.
Although I will say if you’re feeling particularly spy-ish that evening you can probably gain some information from some loose lips who have had one too many.
I know this sounds like I’m the most boring person on campus but I prefer the term responsible-teenager-trying-to-adult.
Honestly I just want my friends and I to make it to graduation without a baby or some sort of legal offence. I guess the point is, how are we supposed to have the best years of our life if we blackout and can’t remember them?
The health risks of living a stereotypical college lifestyle is quite dangerous as well. Can you hear your liver screaming in pain? How about the brain cells that are slowly dying? Hey, let’s hop into a car and drive around while we’re at it.
The decisions you make while inebriated don’t just effect you. One of these days you’re going to swerve a little too suddenly and I’m not going to be able to stomp on the brakes as quick as the last time.
Not to come off too judgmental but please just grow a brain. Judgement is not what I want to pass at all.
What I want is to express my opinion on a person’s decision that could hurt me or the people I care about.
I don’t like to complain that often and this is probably the grouchiest I’ve sounded in a while, but if you just listen to the statistics it’s not that hard to keep yourself, me, and my friends alive.
Surely your group of friends has a responsible one that wouldn’t mind staying coherent and getting from point A to point B.
If you can’t think of that person I challenge you to become them.