By RACHEL EMERSON, Staff Reporter

College is full of class, homework, stress, too much coffee and not enough sleep. But it’s also full of fun, adventure and memories.

In the season of giving thanks, here are a few things to be thankful for as a college student, well and every other day of the year!

  1. Cancelled classes: I mean, who doesn’t love those? Although we should be using them as catch up days for all that homework and the mile-long to-do list that are waiting to be completed, we typically just go back to sleep.
  1. Netflix: The primary reason that we even have a mile-long to-do list in the first place.
  1. Study groups: For holding us accountable by making us actually study and for the simple fact that if we’re about to go down, at least we’re going down together.
  1. Weekends: Again, we should study, but honestly, we save that for Sunday night and then rush it and get it done in a couple hours.
  1. Support systems: whether it be family, friends, roommates, professors, significant others or all of the above, they’re there no matter what. They encourage, inspire and motivate us to keep going. Well, and let’s be honest, tell it how it is when we’re acting a bit crazy!