by Bryant Venosdel, Student Reporter

Students recently took to the streets to strike against fossil fuels in what was called a “Global Climate Strike.”

Montreal, New York, London and Boston are just a handful of the cities that were participating in the strikes and where students had organized events during their walkouts during school. Businesses also closed for a day such as Ben & Jerry’s and the clothing company Patagonia.

New York and Boston are some of the cities in the U.S. that allowed students to walk-out. They were allowed because these cities actually gave students a pass and let them skip school if they were going to participate in the strikes.

The students who protested seemed to have got the attention of some people to make a change, as Jeff Bezos recently announced a plan to combat climate change that he will be showing to the UN. Climate change has been an issue in the past years as it is believed that fossil fuels are contributing to the rise of global temperatures and eventually in the next 10-15 years that the earth will not be habitable.

Recently a 16-year -old, Greta Thunberg has made the news for being the poster child for climate change activism. She sailed to the United States on a boat to New York to promote her activism. Strikes for climate change are still scheduled later in the year, as Thunberg will be promoting her activism and making more speeches to some of the world leaders as she recently already has just earlier this week.

You can go to Global Strike’s website at to see more upcoming events or plan one of your own and also learn more about their cause and what they are expecting to accomplish in the future with their activism against climate change.