Student Reporter

Northwestern Oklahoma State University golfers have started their seasons off well, but still look to improve as the season progresses.

The head golf coach, Dick Kaiser said, “The guys had to battle extremely strong winds during the first 36 holes played on Monday and it made playing in those conditions very challenging.” However, there were improvements seen as each round passed.

As for the women, “The course at Cherokee Springs in Tahlequah was very challenging for the ladies, especially since the three freshmen had never played the course,” said Kaiser.

Drew Sims, a 20-year-old from Coalgate, Okla said, “I think the more this team plays and gets comfortable playing in tournaments again we will see improvement.”

For the ladies, they will benefit from more playing time, said Kaiser.

Players on both teams seek consistency, which is one of the most important skills needed to be successful in golf.

“I look to improve for the rest of the season by becoming more consistent with my play. I want to continue to put in as much time as I can to become the best golfer that I can be,” said Trevor Montgomery, a junior from Bristow, Okla.

Kaiser said a few ways the teams hope to achieve more consistency are “through individual instruction on improving a swing path and talking game strategy during a practice round.”

In order to help for tournament preparations, coaches figure out which obstacles will be presented at the next tournament. Then, they are able to simulate situations similar to what the players will face during competition. This gives the players confidence going into their tournament.

Confidence is key in any sport, but especially in golf.

The players must be confident in their own skills if they want to succeed. There are a few important skills that are needed to ensure success in golf.

Kaiser said, “Everyone is going to struggle in a round of golf somewhere but it’s important to not let that hole ruin a whole round by doing something crazy.”

Checking your golf ego at the door is another concept Kaiser emphasizes. “Collegiate golfers must play the course that is laid out in front of them and use their innate skills to score. Often forcing things or trying to overpower a course only ends up with big scores,” said Kaiser.

As the season progresses, athletes are already looking forward to certain tournaments throughout the year.

Montgomery is looking forward to the Conference Tournament next semester. “I believe that with the team we have this year we will be able to compete with the other schools. It is exciting because of all the potential each of us have to play well,” said Montgomery.

The golf team will take to the course again on Sept. 28 for the SEOSU-Chickasaw Pointe tournament in Durant, Okla.