I’m scared.

Yes, it is because I am going to see “IT Chapter 2” but it is not because of the fact that the film is a horror movie. I’m scared that I am going to be let down because of the high expectations I have for the new film.

Let me give you some backstory as to why I am so ready to see this movie. When the first “IT” movie came out in 2017 I was very intrigued. I watched horror films but they were never movies that I actively sought out. Then I watched “IT” and I was hooked.

“IT” was like nothing I had seen before. Between going to the movies with my family, friends and by myself I saw “IT” a total of four times… Whoops.

Why did I see “IT” four times you ask? To make a long story short…I saw the movie so many times because I have no life. Maybe it was the story line, maybe it was the cast of kid actors and I was impressed with their performance, maybe it was the cinematography or the directing of Andy Muschietti.

All in all it was my new favorite film.

Eventually my obsession waned and I started watching and talking about other things… but then July 18, 2019 came around. To most that is not an important date, but that is when the trailer for “IT Chapter Two” came out and I lost my mind all over again.

Two months have passed and I can feel my anticipation growing. I’m excited for the continuation of a unique horror story. I’m excited for the terrifying performance from Bill Skarsgard as Pennywise the Dancing Clown. I’m excited to see fellow Oklahoman Bill Hader (one of my favorite actors) take the place of Finn Wolfhard as Richie “Trashmouth” Tozier (one of my favorite character in the film). If you can’t tell, I’m excited.

But I’m also nervous because what if it’s not what I expect? I know everybody from the cast and crew worked hard.

I know no matter what, I’m going to see the movie multiple times in theatres. And I know there is nothing I can do about any of this, but the thoughts still linger.

I suppose what I’ll have to do is get over it. I’ll have to face my “fears”, just like the character in “IT” do. I’ll appreciate what has been given to me.

I’ll enjoy my favorite parts and deal with the parts I maybe don’t appreciate that much. I’ll enjoy the new aspects of the second film instead of compare the two frame for frame. I’ll be thankful that the film was continued instead of being dropped like some other sequels.

In short the moral of the story is being thankful for what you had and what was given to you. Also, be appreciative of what is coming. Be hopeful not nervous, and just because you think you might not like something, don’t miss out on the opportunity to try/see something new.

Hey who knows? Maybe I’ll see ”IT Chapter Two” five times this year.