Student Reporter

Today we live in a selfish, self-centered, selfie taking society.  As tongue twisting as that is it’s true.

This is definitely the decade of the “selfie”, with the invention of the “selfie stick”, and the critically acclaimed book of the century, Kim K’s book of selfies “selfish”. I just don’t understand why it hasn’t made Oprah’s must read list, but that’s a different story.

So what is in fact the act of taking a selfie? Some would say it’s a point and shoot.  Others would say it’s finding the perfect lighting and angles, and there may be a few to say it’s an art form.

The beauty of a selfie, is that it IS a form of self-expression.  If you were to ever come across a person claiming they’ve never taken a selfie, ask that person if they are running for office because they are LYING!

Selfies are an opportunity to document one’s life adventures, and give you a chance to say remember when.

So why are we so quick to judge and point a laughing finger, when we’ve all fallen victim to the selfie epidemic.  Why is it an object of ridicule, when we pride ourselves on being the land of the free, the melting pot of cultures, the open arms and acceptance of individualism?

I personally am all for a good selfie.  They hold memories that can always be revisited.  They help with self-confidence and can give a good boost to one’s self esteem.  But there always has to be that one (explicit word here) to come along and give their unnecessary, rude, belligerent comment.  That’s nice about today too, if you don’t like it ok, click unfollow and it’s all over.

But don’t pass judgment where you’re just a guilty.

So by all means grab that selfie stick, get your lips as close to Donald Duck as you can, flex those biceps, and say SELFIE!