By JACOB COMP, student reporter

Papers are spread all over the bed with the names of hundreds of students on them. A laptop is on with a tiny red light that tells everyone around that work is getting done. The quiet ding of the laptop signals a student is joining a zoom meeting.

The master bedroom is this teacher’s new classroom.

The room is a mess, but you would never know from what you see through the camera of the meeting. Sometimes she sits criss-cross-applesauce, perched up on the king-size bed looking over all the work that is piling up in her new classroom.

 Her classroom has changed from a room with two computers and 35 desks to a master bedroom. Through the computer she can hear the faint noise of a child asking for help from her mother.

She sits in her cocoon of pillows and blankets trying to figure out how to juggle her different hats of teacher, mom, friend and math department chair.

Through the wall in the living room one can hear a deep voice scold the dog who just barked. Another dog stands at the bedroom door, whimpering and trying to get in the room with the favorite of the household.

Her husband tries to keep the house as quiet as possible to remove as much stress as he can, but his efforts are in vain because the house is a circus.