by McKayla Holson, Editorial Editor

This weekend, a handful of us mass comm students had the opportunity to visit the Dallas Morning News. While there, we got to sit in on their 1:45 meeting and then they gave us a tour of their facility. The reporters, photographers and others were extremely gracious with their time and gave us an in depth view into their average workdays. They also provided us with some great tips for bettering our skills and on how to get our foot into the career world!

Now, on to the fun fact.

While touring the facility, we visited with photographers and one had finished a photoshoot earlier that morning. We were taken to the floor where the main kitchen is located, the place where photoshoot occurred, and we visited with the chef. She was just finishing up the cleaning process and told us about the duck she had just prepared.

Finally getting back on track with the fact, all the food they make is completely real. It’s a policy that the newspaper has to show real things. So they didn’t doctor the food like you may have seen in the popular 5-Minute Craft videos online.

And they eat it all too! None of it goes to waste. Other employees are invited down to the kitchen and they eat together. It’s nice to know the food doesn’t go to waste and that what you see is what it actually says it is.