By Nick Perkins

Student Reporter

Some of the problems that might come with growing up and going to college is finding a place to live outside of the dorms.

Although there are various rent houses around, as well as different apartments. A big question for students might be where can they find this information and what details do they need to know before moving in.

Some of the places that might have information about housing and apartments is the news gram, newspaper, and the Alva for rent Facebook page. These are the places where the landlord of the Hi-Lo apartments says she tries to advertise in. Some of the places that are located right around campus are the University Apartments, Hi-Lo Apartments, Aspen Apartments and Cottonwood Apartments. Ashley Property Services can also be a way for students to find rent houses if they don’t want to live in an apartment.

If students have questions about living off campus, most of the student support service coaches have lived off campus and can assist in helping and answering questions as well. There is also a list of services that they provide help with, it is located in the Student Center.

Information that might be useful to ask the landlord is how much is rent, and if that includes all bills paid, or if the bills are separate. Other questions that might be good to ask the landlord would be if they allow pets, how much deposits will be and what happens if a roommate moves out if they signed the lease?

According to the landlord of the Hi-Lo Apartments, she welcomes college students as tenants because they make up most of her business and for the most part have been respectful of the rules that they have and been respectful to the other tenants in the building.