By Emma Sporleder, Student Reporter

With the coronavirus cases raising significantly every day in the United States, it’s easier for anxiety, loneliness and panic to slip into the back of our minds. The coronavirus can affect anyone’s mental health, especially those who struggle with mental illness. Whether it be contracting the virus or the self-isolation, the increase in loneliness from COVID-19 can trigger symptoms of mental health.

Northwestern News contacted five random students to see just how they are “corona-coping.”

Brendan Yates

Health and Sports Science, Senior.

Oklahoma City

What are you doing with all your new free time?

Other than homework, I have been spending my free time writing blogs (Mad Blog 2020), watching movies and playing video games.

What has been your biggest challenge with the new online learning format? 

My biggest challenge is that there is no face-to-face traditional education anymore, at times I feel like I am falling behind in classes, because often times I simply don’t know where I am in those certain classes.

What has been the best part of the new format? 

The best part has been being home and having the opportunity to do my school work at my pace rather than waking up and going to scheduled classes.

Do you have any advice for students who are bored? Any suggestions for things they could be doing?

I suggest finding a new skill or hobby. Learn something that doesn’t have to do with school work. If a student is really bored they could read my blog, Mad Blog 2020. Try finding a possible vaccine for the virus, that should keep you busy for at least a few days.

Tanner Rutledge

Health and Sports Science, Junior.

Kingfisher, Okla.

What are you doing with all your new free time?

I’ve been working out, staying on top of my class work and playing video games. I don’t really know what else to do right now, because we can’t go anywhere.  

What has been your biggest challenge with the new online learning format? 

There aren’t any big challenges to online learning, sometimes it is hard to sit in front of a screen and listen to a lecture without becoming distracted by other things.

What has been the best part of the new format? 

Being able to learn in my own home. I don’t have to worry about lack of time in the mornings anymore.

Do you have any advice for students who are bored? Any suggestions for things they could be doing?

Everybody is going to be bored at times. I suggest cleaning your house, doing your homework and getting active.

Kennedy Mount

Adult Education, Sports Administration, Graduate Student.

Biloxi, Miss.

What are you doing with all your new free time?

With my new free time, I am organizing and cleaning things and doing things that I never made time before to do.

What has been your biggest challenge with the new online learning format? 

My biggest challenge has been the communication aspect with having to wait for responses, etc. I don’t enjoy the lack of face-to-face social interaction.

What has been the best part of the new format? 

The best part of the new format has been the freedom to manage my time and how I use it. 

Do you have any advice for students who are bored? Any suggestions for things they could be doing?

Try to learn a new skill or craft, do something that you have been putting off for a while, call your friends that you haven’t talked to in a while, and make new goals for yourself such as reading more or exercising daily.

Mercedes Kirkhart

Early Childhood Education, Senior.

Alva, Okla.

What are you doing with all your new free time?

I’ve found myself spending more time on the hobbies I didn’t make time for due to always either working one of my three jobs or trying to stay on top of homework.

What has been your biggest challenge with the new online learning format? 

Simply not meeting with my professors face-to-face. I’ve never enjoyed online classes, but I’m blessed to still have the opportunity to continue my education in these trying times.

What has been the best part of the new format? 

Having more free time to work on assignments instead of feeling overwhelmed 24/7 with school and work.

Do you have any advice for students who are bored? Any suggestions for things they could be doing?

Stick to a routine, get up at a decent time every morning and make specific time to work on homework. Also use this “time out” from normal life to enjoy the small things that are usually overlooked from the busy life. I wake up at 8:30 a.m., spend time with God in prayer and watch online sermons. I work on my homework and enjoy some down time by drawing, listening to music and working out with my friend who has been quarantined with me since the beginning.

Karen Rodriguez

Social Work, JR.

Buffalo, Okla.

What are you doing with all your new free time?

I have been spending a lot of time with my family. We watch movies, play board games and we have been trying to come up with new ideas to stay entertained.

What has been your biggest challenge with the new online learning format? 

I get distracted very easily, so having class in an actual classroom allows me to focus and take notes. My professors have been doing an amazing job helping with each homework assignment, I just tend to learn better when I’m being lectured in person rather than reading PowerPoints.

What has been the best part of the new format? 

The best part about this format is that I am able to work on my assignments whenever I have free time. I am able to spread out my assignments and do them beforehand so that they are turned in on time.

Do you have any advice for students who are bored? Any suggestions for things they could be doing?

Plan out your day. When I plan my day out, I stay active all day and time goes by faster when you are busy. Cleaning is also something that I have discovered a new love for as well as organizing.