“I really don’t care who won, it doesn’t really matter, It’s just politics, you know? I’m more focused on my classes right now.” —Gabriel Bussinger, speech and theatre major“It was just two corrupt people going at it for no reason. I don’t see how either one was really the best choice for the country, but I don’t feel too strongly about it.” —Dawson DeFoor, speech and theatre major“I am very scared for how the next four years will be. I’m especially worried about my FAFSA and how that might be affected. I just hope everything goes all right.” —Rosa Vargas, instrumental education major“It was very indecisive and very confusing while still being stressful, I don’t think anyone really knew what was going on, and it just felt like a lot of back-and-forth without any clear answers. It made everything feel so uncertain.” —Jade Campbell, instrumental education major“I really don’t have too much to say about the situation. I mean, I’m just here to focus on my studies. Politics just doesn’t seem like something I need to get too worked up over right now.” —Chris Perez, instrumental education major