By COLLIN ZINK, Senior Reporter

Five former Northwestern student athletes will be inducted into the Sports Hall of Fame on Feb. 5 during the men’s basket- ball game.

The five nominees are:

— Dean Farrow, who played baseball from 1977 to 1981;

— Bill Julson, who played baseball from 1999 to 2001;

— Brittany McBride John- son, who played women’s bas- ketball from 2005 to 2007;

— Bob Battisti, a former men’s basketball coach and Northwestern Athletic Director

— Brandon Christenson, who played football from 1995 to 2001.

Northwestern athletic offi- cials will host a luncheon for the nominees, where nominees will sign autographs and talk with attendees.

The pre-luncheon will begin at 11 a.m., and the meal will be- gin at 11:30 a.m.

The luncheon is open to the public, and tickets are available for $20. The ticket price in- cludes entrance to the basketball game.

Past inductees will also be recognized during the half- time of the women’s basketball game.