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THE TURBO RANGER-Joshua Christopher

In the realm of sports, injuries are an unfortunate yet inevitable aspect of an athlete’s journey.
These setbacks not only bring physical pain, but they also challenge an athlete’s mental toughness. I’m learning about this mental toughness first hand as I deal with an injury to my left hand.

It’s the kind of injury you can’t just play through. It has benched me.

Being sidelined due to injury can be a lonely and frustrating experience. The sense of not being able to contribute to the team and improve in practice and in game weighs heavy on me. Emotions run high as I sit and ask myself the simple question: why?

The mental battle that comes with an injury is often as challenging as the physical one.

Athletes face the daunting task of rehabilitation and pushing through sessions of physical therapy in order to get back to full health.

The road to recovery is not easy and staying committed to the process is needed in order to get through seasons like this.

The support system surrounding an injured athlete plays a crucial role in their journey to recovery. Coaches, teammates, and medical staff become pillars of strength, offering encouragement and a sense of optimism within the injury.

Time off from the sport I love and more time to myself allows me to reflect and find ways to get better despite not being able to play.

Me being a man of God, I rely on my faith and ask God for wisdom and strength during times like this.
Knowing that I’ve been through worse and he’s gotten me through a multitude of injuries in my athletic career therefore I have no doubt he will guide me to overcome this one.

In this season, a quote that comes to mind is when Kobe Bryant said, “Everything negative — pressure, challenges — is all an opportunity for me to rise.”

Instead of focusing on the negatives, I can work on remaining positive and knowing that this is only apart of my journey, a part of my story and definitely another test that will be conquered.

A mentor of mine told me that I must find the hidden gems, discovering what truly matters within times of hardship and strife but also reminding me to dig deep and tap into that level of resilience and confidence that we both know I have.

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