by Megan Brown, Student Reporter

Throughout my life people have always recognized me as “the girl with the hair.” Having curly hair has always been a conversation starter and often times opens the door to some off the wall statements.

As a child, I always resented my hair and would wish that it was straight, like the majority of my friends hair. I remember many nights of fussing and fighting with my parents over getting my hair brushed. While people always had positive comments to make about it, I had a hard time understanding the hype behind the curls.

When I was around 10 years old I made my first curly girl mistake,, I cut my hair. All the girls in my class were rocking chin length bobs and I decided I wanted to join the club. I am not sure why no one stopped me (thanks mom) but this short hair cut just did not mesh with the curls. I ultimately ended up rocking a puffy, triangle shaped haircut for a couple of years until it grew back out.

Having different and difficult hair has taught me a lot of things, including patience and how to rock a very, very messy bun.

One of my favorite questions I get constantly is “Do you brush your hair?” Yes, people, I do brush my hair! Just not the same way most people do. Running a brush through my dry hair is asking for a disaster. My hair is only combed through while it is wet and has conditioner in it. This prevents breakage, lessens the pain and gets rid of tangles.

Now, on the odd chance that I do run a brush through my hair dry, I look as if I have been electrocuted, which leads me to my next story.

Working with the public has opened a door for people to make comments on my hair almost daily. I once had a man ask me if I had stuck my finger in an outlet, which I was confused by at first, until I realized he was referring to my hair. I was not offended, I just laughed, but not the most appropriate way to address the mop on my head.

Another point I want to make, and I think I can speak for most curly haired people on this, I know it may be tempting but please don’t touch my hair unless we are friends or you ask first! Attempting to run your fingers through my hair is only going to create an awkward situation for everyone when I have to help you untangle your hand after it gets stuck.

Overall, I have grown to love the hair I was blessed with and I learned how to tame the mane, sometimes. I appreciate each and every compliment I receive on my locks as it has helped me build the confidence to stand out in a crowd.

And to answer the question everyone is always dying to know, yes, it is natural!