Opinion Editor
How hard is it to imagine?
Well there is no actual answer to that. It is not easy and it is not hard. Imagining is just like breathing or blinking; it just happens.
There are multiple tools that help you excersise your imagination. We have technological tools that help kids of all ages to increase their brain’s capacity of imagining.
Many people have thought that toys are only to entertain the kids, but really the majority of toys are created for an educational purpose.
LEGO may be one of the few toys that feeds a child’s imagination.
It is not only a toy. LEGO is the ideal toy that kids may need.
Some people may think that the toy LEGO is a complicated concept for your kids.
There are some sets that are designed for kids of younger ages. there is even LEGO sets for adults who find the toy entertaining for them, but the adult sets are normally bigger and they come with more pieces, which means it takes longer to build.
One cool thing about LEGO is the multiple themes they have. LEGO has been around the toy industry for decades.
You can find LEGO sets of Spongebob to LEGO sets of the movie Jaws.
There are nultiple themes that you can focus on when it comes to LEGO.
Lately our generation has been using LEGO more often than usual. Even if the prices of the set can be somewhat high, there are people who manage to collect these sets.
LEGO has been becoming more popular these days. You can see this when couples have a “LEGO date” in which they spend the date building the set. It is a very peculiar idea of a date, but it is also a brilliant idea of spending time with your loved ones.
The LEGO community has made sure that everyone is able to consume their product by making products for certain groups of people. There are also sets that are not neccessarily a figure of a spaceship or a boat.
Some sets are the shape of flowers that you can use as decoration, and there are other sets that you can also use as decoration but you can hang them in the walls.
It is important to not forget that even if you do not end up following the instructions of the set, you would most likely be able to come up with your own original idea. Always try to be open to more options.