By MICHELLE WILLSON, Features Editor

I’ve never been good at putting into words what I want to say. Northwestern has given me four years of memories I wouldn’t trade for anything, and I can definitely say that I am who I am now because of my experiences at this college.

The person I was when I walked on campus for the first time is definitely not the same person that will be walking off at the end of the semester. It’s so weird to look back and see how much everything has changed because, in the moment, it doesn’t feel like anything is happening.

I’ve been on the boards of clubs, I’ve been a founding member of a club, I’ve had every hair color you can imagine, and I even got some facial piercings. It’s been a wild ride. I’ve made friends and lost some, too. But I can honestly say that this past semester has shown me that everything has been worth it.

I’ve learned more about myself this year than I did the three years prior. The pandemic did mess up a lot of things. It definitely threw my expectations for my junior and senior years out the door, but I’m not even that upset about it. Through quarantines and events being canceled, it’s given me a lot more time to work on myself.

Northwestern has given me so many great opportunities. I’ve gone to Europe, I’ve gone to newspaper conferences. I saw “Hamilton” in theaters. I’ve won awards at newspaper conferences. I’ve performed on-stage and managed multiple on-stage productions. I’ve been an editor of the newspaper for four years and much more.

For a long time, I focused on all the things I couldn’t do here because it’s a small university. But there is so much I’ve gotten to do because of it. So much that I wouldn’t have been able to do if I went to a bigger university.

Northwestern will always hold a spot in my heart, and I know that if I am ever in trouble, my Northwestern family is just a call away.

This past semester, I made some amazing COVID-safe memories. My girlfriend and I drove to a random town to play in the park.
I was camp counselor for NWOSU’s “Upward Bound” program. I got to spend a summer planning activities and going on educational trips.
In 2018, I participated in NWOSU’s summer study abroad program with my two sisters. We got to visit London, Dublin and Edinburgh, England.