By DEVYN LANSDEN, Editorial Editor

The author made a check list of a few things she does to prepare to have a good and organized week for herself. –Graphic by Devyn Lansden

We have an exciting week! The first football game since 2019. It is so crazy to think about. The last time I was at a football game, I was a sophomore in college. But I am so excited to finally go to a football game again. This week is going to be nice because we have the game on Thursday, and then it’s Labor Day weekend so no class on Monday!

My favorite thing is looking at my planner for the week. On Sunday, it is usually pretty empty besides my assignments I have written down, but then by Saturday, it is always full of things I did that week. I love being busy throughout the week because it makes the weekend that much more relaxing.

This weekend, I am planning on going to Beaver and seeing my family and my dogs, of course. It has been a long time since I have seen them. Since the school year has started, I get busy and then can’t go home as much as I like to. But it makes it even better when I finally do get to go home. For now, I am going to enjoy the week and not rush anything.

A few things I do to set up for a good week are make sure I have all assignments for the coming week done or written down.

Whenever I have all my assignments done, my week is always a lot better. But unfortunately, I don’t have everything done this week. But that is OK because I have time this week to get everything done.

Another thing I do is enjoy my Sunday. I workout and relax for the rest of the evening. I spend time with my roommates and my boyfriend, and that always makes me happy.

I think doing little things to make life easier for yourself will always make you happier and grateful. So, if you’re a procrastinator, then this will be challenging. But if you try it, you won’t want to procrastinate again.

Another thing I think is very important is setting up a schedule and following it; you can put time aside to do things you enjoy or have time to do homework. This weekend, I didn’t get as much homework done as I usually do. But that is OK because I know I have time in my schedule to work on homework.

I am the kind of person who thinks ahead all the time. I don’t know if that is a good or bad thing, but sometimes, it is helpful. I know what all I have to do this week, so I know I won’t mess around and not get things done.

I hope everyone has had a great week! And I hope you have enjoyed every day of this week.