Where to see Christmas Lights around Alva-
Beadles Nursing Home & across the street, 916 Noble St.
1320 Barnes Ave.
1808 Skyview Drive
115 Ash St.
711 Church St.
525 Myers Drive
13322 Locust St.
1216 Flynn St.
1210 Flynn St.
703 5th St.
1856 E. Flynn St.
918 Barnes Ave.
27240 County Road 460
707 S. Sunset
132 E. Oklahoma Blvd.
102 Hickory St.
712 Oak St.
1224 Choctaw St.
1405 Noble St.
Bring Christmas Home for the Holidays
Downtown Alva
Sponsored by the Alva Chamber
4 p.m. Santa, Mrs. Claus and friends, hot cocoa, cookies, books, elves — Woods County Courthouse lawn
5-8 p.m. First Friday Artwalk, Graceful Arts featuring work by Carla Miller and BJCC inmates. Wicked Grind Coffee Truck — 523 Barnes
First Friday Artwalk, Runnymede, features crafters with items for sale, free hot chocolate and free chicken noodle soup — 4th and Flynn
6 p.m. Christmas Carols by NWOSU Choir — downtown corners of the Downtown Square
7 p.m. Christmas Tree lighting and carols with Interfaith Choir — court house stage
8 p.m. Kids and Cops free Christmas movie with free popcorn — Extreme, 425 College Ave.
7 a.m. Doggie Reindeer Dash and Santa Fun Run — Farmer’s Market on north side of courthouse parking lot
8-9 a.m. Special needs children’s breakfast with Santa, Mrs. Claus, Elsa, Anna and Olaf — City Hall, 415 4th St.
9-10 a.m. Children’s breakfast with Santa, Mrs. Claus, Elsa, Anna and Olaf — City Hall
9-noon Book sale — Alva City Library, 7th and Barnes
9 a.m.-4 p.m. Holiday Store for Kids and free photos with Santa (special needs children 9=10 a.m., adults at 3 p.m.) — Runnymede, 4th and Flynn
10 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Live entertainment — courthouse stage
10 a.m.-2 p.m. Make & Take event for children — Graceful Arts Center, 523 Barnes
10 a.m.-4 p.m. Free face painting by Cake Face, inflatables and carnival games — Extreme, 425 College Ave.
Gift wrap station — courthouse lawn
Pocket Park Pop Up Shops and Marker’s Market — around the Square
11 a.m.-2 p.m. Free horse and carriage rides — around the Downtown Square
1 p.m. Free Children’s Christmas Play, donations welcome — ACT 1 Theatre, 516 Flynn
2-4 p.m. Christmas Cookie Decorating and story time with Mrs. Claus — library pocket park, next to Senior Citizen Center, 625 Barnes
S’mores and Stories in Elsa’s Igloo with photo opportunities with Anna, Olaf and Kristoff Reindeer, Grinch’s corner — courthouse lawn
2:30-4 p.m. Christmas talent show — courthouse stage
4 p.m. Bed races start — in front of Holder Drug, 513 Barnes
5-6 p.m. Christmas movie — Rialto Theatre, 516 Flynn
7:30 p.m. Christmas Light Parade — Downtown Square
Maps available for Alva cruise to enjoy lights around Alva after the parade
All day Town-wide Christmas shopping
Santa’s Bakery featuring local bakers — Bridge2Hope, 532 Flynn
Food and food trucks such as VAP Pizza by the Slice, Kids & Cops Pulled Park, Alva Brewing Company, Scotty’s Treats, Crazy A’s Food Trailer, etc.
Sanctuary Massage Therapy School Clinical Hours Deal: 15-minute massages for $15 to raise funds for 7-year-old boy battling leukemia — 601 4th St.
1-5 p.m. Tour of Homes, ticketed fundraiser for the Cherokee Strip Museum. Buy tickets for $10 at Holder Drug, LaDeeda and Daisy Village
6:30 p.m. Free Keyboards at Christmas concert features four musicians playing on four grand pianos and an organ — Alva Presbyterian Church, 7th and Church