By DEVYN LANSDEN, Editorial Editor

The first day of fall was Wednesday.

I cannot believe how fast summer flew by, but honestly, I’m not mad because I am ready for the cooler weather.

For cooler weather, I mean the 60-degree to 70-degree range. Not freezing weather. That is not what I am ready for.
But right now, I am loving the cooler morning temperatures.

I walk to work and enjoy the nice weather, and then by the afternoons, I am hot.

I am noticing the weather starting to cool down, and that ultimately means Halloween, Saturday game days and pumpkins.

I think my favorite weather is whatever the season is; because whenever it is about to be a new season, I am always excited for it.

Fall is such a fun season because of football games.

On game days, everyone is always so happy and excited.

People who don’t even know much about football still love football games. The fall semester is the best because we get a lot of breaks in this semester.

There is so much going on in the fall semester because of all the sports.

This year, it means even more because we did not have a very fun fall semester last year. I missed going to football games and being around all the NWOSU students and fans.

Football is what I am most excited for.

This weekend is also Family Day at Northwestern, so the crowd will be full, and the weather is going to be nice — the best combination.

I will have a busy day on Family Day because I am a part of the Northwestern Scholar Ambassadors, and we have to help out.

I am excited to be around people and watch the football game.

The beginning of October is also Homecoming, something I am sure everyone is looking forward to. There is always so much going on.

The month of October is my favorite month. The fall weather really hits us then, and it’s my favorite holiday, Halloween.

During fall, I love all pumpkin flavors of any kind: coffee, dessert, cereal, scents. Anything pumpkin has my name on it.
Everything about fall I love, but what I love most about fall is when the leaves change colors. It makes the campus look more beautiful than it already is.

I think that, this year, fall decorations and the pumpkin flavors came out a lot earlier than in years before.

I am not mad about it. It was actually convenient for me because pumpkin coffee is my favorite.

I will be at all the pumpkin patches this year, living my best life.

One of the little things I love doing during the fall is lighting my fall-scented candles in the morning and just relaxing.

I love going out to my living room, making coffee and my whole house smelling like fall.

There truly is nothing much better than that.

Saturday mornings in the fall will always be my favorite because the next day is Sunday, so no there’s school the next day. I know I’ll get another day to relax.

Whenever school starts in August, I am always ready for the weather to be cooler.

Walking around campus when it is hot outside is awful. I give tours in the recruitment office, so I look forward to when it is nice and cool outside to give tours. In the summer, it gets pretty brutal to be outside.

But it always is a good excuse to go in almost every building.

Even though winter is my least favorite season, it is still beautiful.

I like the snow only when I can stay home and not be out in it. But I am sure that is how everyone feels about it.

Christmas Day is fun, but honestly, the actual day makes me sad because leading up to Christmas is the best and the most fun.

I love all the Christmas songs and themes, and we are not in school, so that is also another reason I like it.

I get to be with my family and not have a worry in the world.

Especially now that I am older, I appreciate being with my family rather than getting gifts.
I hope everyone is having a great semester. Happy fall.