by McKayla Holson, Editorial Editor

I’m going to start this year off by saying that it isn’t that hard to be kind to people.

I get that people get upset and frustrated, but they shouldn’t take it out on others. On Sunday, I had a grown man yell, scream and curse while slamming and throwing things just because I did my job. A grown man. An adult. There was absolutely no reason to act that way. I was called things I’ve never actually heard come out of a person’s mouth before.

It’s especially upsetting when someone freaks out on somebody for something they can’t control. “Don’t kill the messenger.” Ever heard that before? I’ve had people yell at me for rules that someone created and changes they have made who I have never met before.

Chances are, you aren’t the first to yell at the worker for whatever you happen to be upset about. Chances are, it has been reported by the worker dozens of time, if not more.

Just speak to the people in charge about it. Email them, call them, talk to them. And be nice about it. Express your concern, talk about your problem and see if a change is possible.

Don’t yell. It doesn’t get you anywhere. Be civil and talk like a human. If you think that it just isn’t possible to be kind, then walk away. Wait to have the conversation when you aren’t upset.

All my life, I have never understood why it is so hard for some people to be kind. I don’t think I’ll ever understand.

It’s not even that hard to be kind. Just be understanding, smile and don’t say rude and hurtful things. Find a coping mechanism for anger that isn’t harmful to yourself or others.