Editorial Editor

After classes and clubs, at the end of the long day, all a student wants to do is have an iced cold drink and relax.

The iced cold drink should be something healthy and make the consumer feel that their thirst is satisfied. A person should drink something like water, pedialyte, or some kind of electrolyte mix.

One should avoid drinking soda, even though the taste might be tempting, the overall health risks are greater. Soda can cause health issues and create unhealthy lifestyle habits that could be detrimental towards the person drinking the beverage.

According to UCLA Health, soda leads to many health issues like obesity, diabetes and other chronic health issues. If a person drinks one soda per day, they are more likely to increase their chances of having diabetes and blood sugar regulation issues.

Diabetes can cause a multitude of other issues and a life time of taking mediaction and attending doctors visits.

The major health issues that can be caused by drinking soda can be seen from a physical standpoint too. While a person may not realize they are developing diabetes, cavities are easier to spot.

The sugar in sodas causes tooth decay and could cause teeth to fall out if not treated in an appropriate amount of time. Dental decay could be a gateway to causing vulnerability and subcumming to other health risks and infections.

If these health infections go untreated, a person could be experiencing unnecessary pain and suffering. Having a chronic disease going untreated can lead to high health risks.

On top of creating diagnosable chronic health disorders, soda can also create an addiction to sugar and caffeine.

People who frequently drink soda run the risk of developing a sugar and caffeine addiction.

Symptoms of soda addiction include cravings, inability to stop drinking and a disturbance in mood or daily routines because of soda.

One must take into account what their soda consumption is and how to gauge if the amount is healthy. Over intake of caffeine can cause heart issues and trouble sleeping. Becoming aware of one’s soda intake could make or break someone’s long term health.

If a person begins to feel like soda is becoming a driving force in their life, seeking a therapist may be a good option.

The habit can be hard to kick, but will be a rewarding experience that could save your health in the long run.

If nothing else, I feel kicking a soda addiction could be gaining a new sense of control in your life. A person could begin to discover new tastes and treats they like by skipping on the one that, in a sense, controls you.

To begin the replacement of soda in your diet think about beverages that may be similar, but would be considered a healthy alternative to their favorite soda.

For starters, there are several brands of carbonated water in an assortment of flavors with zero sugar and carbs.
These give a person trying to kick soda addiction a similar experience to drinking something bubbly and sweet.

As everyone says, water is the best thirst quencher to drink. For some, quitting soda cold turkey can be a daunting task, so using carbonated water as a stepping stone to kicking the habit can be useful.

I think that people should be drinking an adequate amount of water each day, but if an individual is craving something sweet, carbonated water could be a good alternative.

People should be making a point to drink water but also give themselves a sweet snack or soda every once in a while.

Consuming the daily amount of recommended water should be a priority. Water intake can only create a good outcome, as long as moderation and proper amounts are consumed.

It is imporatant to understand the health risks and diseases that drinking soda may cause.
I believe that a consumer should be aware of their purchases.

Knowing the health risks of soda consumption is just as nessesary as knowing the health risks for cigarettes or canned tabacco.

I think each customer should be informed in what they are purchasing.

I feel most people have an understanding that soda is by no means healthy.

The daily stressors a person encounters may push them to want a treat or snack to cope with emotional termoil.

I feel people should avoid soda as it has virtually no health benefits and causes more harm that good.
Though the times may be rough in the present, skipping on a soda will be a better choice in the long run.
Take a stand on bettering your health and drink more water. Put the soda or others sugary drinks away and make sure to stay properly and safely hydrated.