Senior Reporter

As the late afternoon sun casts long shadows across Northwestern Oklahoma State University’s campus, Janie Rempel begins her daily ritual: a walk around campus.
She makes a circle around campus once, and then once again. It takes two circles around campus to walk almost two miles.
Rempel, a sophomore education major from Forgan, can finally go on the walks outside with the weather being much warmer than last week. The nicer weather has been the inspiration for her to go walking outside. Janie’s favorite time to go on a walk is right before sunset so that it is not too hot or too cold and she gets to watch the sunset, Rempel said.
“I like to go walking after I’m done with classes, so that I don’t have to worry about going to another class,” Rempel said. “I use it as a time to clear my head and just not think about homework or the things I have to do but just focus on the nature and things around me.”
Rempel likes walking on the north side of campus in front of Ryerson and Herod by the green space because she thinks all the buildings are so pretty.
“My favorite thing to see is all the squirrels just running around, climbing up the trees and stuff,” she said. “Listen to birds chirping.”
Rempel also remembers about going on walks every night, when it is nice out, with her mother back home. Before she gets on her journey around campus, she sends her mother a walking emoji to let her know she’s thinking of her and wishes she could be walking by her side.