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Opinion Picture (1)For anyone who knows me, knows there is a lot that annoys me. And there is a lot. So I’m going to share a portion of that list with you and perhaps you have the same annoying things on your list. This might be slightly selfish, and I might be writing it in hopes enough people see it and stop doing these annoying things.

Number one: Talking on the phone while ordering food/talking to someone else. This is an obvious one, but I see so many people on a daily basis doing this. How do you think this is okay?! The person behind the counter is just trying to do their job. Furthermore, the people behind you are trying to get their food just like you. When you are on the phone and not giving whoever is in front of you your full attention, it is perceived that they aren’t important enough for your time.

Number two: People who park in the wrong spots, especially commuter spots, on campus. I’m talking to you, yellow, blue, purple, and brown stickers! Clearly our campus is super small and you can walk from your dorm to class. I live off campus and nothing makes me angrier than having to scour over three different parking lots to park my car and eventually having to park across the street.

Number three: The shuffle run. This is when athletes act like they’re running by shuffling their feet and bending their arms like they’re running. Please stop doing this; you look stupid. Does this make you faster? As an athlete, aren’t you supposed to be good at running in the first place? So running a short distance should be no problem for you.

Number four: Group assignments. This is COLLEGE. Please don’t make me work in a group that I don’t even get to pick and have to do the entire thing on my own, while they get the credit for it.  I always get stuck with the lurkers who never even shows up to class and the students who do nothing and expect the professor to give them a grade anyway. So really, it goes both ways. It’s unfair to me for doing all of the work, and it’s to the slackers who don’t do the assignment because they aren’t learning anything anyway. So professor and teachers out there: please stop doing this.

Number five: For my fifth and final thing that annoys me (and believe me, I could keep going) it would go to waiting in lines. This is most prominent in the student center. I’m not really sure what is happening with food services this year, but waiting in line for 30 minutes when there are five people in front of you is not fun. Also, the sandwich line?! Don’t even get me started. And just as you get to the front-ish, someone cuts you. What?!

So, for those who don’t know me, maybe you do a little better now. Yes, these may seem petty but I’m sure a lot of you feel the same way! So, Northwestern, let’s ban together and agree to work on these annoying habits! And please, don’t cut me.