By Logan Jones

Staff Reporter

It’s a lesson that every college student learns very quickly. Organization and time management are very important to being successful in college. But for those who have yet to learn this valuable lesson, here are some good ways to start getting organized and why you should in the first place.


According to the University of Nebraska at Omaha, there is a multitude of reasons why you should organize. For instance, when you do plan ahead, you don’t miss deadlines. By writing the deadlines down on a calendar or in a planner, you will be less likely to forget when an assignment is due and in turn be reminded to actually do the assignment.

Other benefits are that you will feel less stressed and you will have more free time in the end. By actually staying on top of your assignments, you will more than likely get it done in a timely manner and will not have to worry and fret about getting it done the night before.

And its not only for school. It is just as important to balance work and play. According to, “You must be capable of organizing or setting your priorities while a college student so that you do not lose track of the primary reason you are in school — to get an education.”

Ways to get organized:

There are just as many ways to get organized as there are benefits for being organized. It all depends on what works best for you as the student. The University of Nebraska at Omaha says that one of the easiest ways to get on track is by keeping an actively updated calendar, whether it be on your phone, computer or even one that you hang on the wall. This allows you to keep track of life events such as your work schedule, meetings and social plans and activities.

Also, keep track of the syllabi for all of your classes. According to, “It’s a great way to keep track of what assignments are due, when quizzes and exams are, or even something as simple as readings.”

For those who are more tech savvy than others, don’t be afraid to put reminders and alarms on your cell phones. It’s something that will almost always be on your person, so what better tool to have to help remind you of upcoming assignments.

Another way is to color code by each class and event type. This way, everything is not jumbled together, and specific items can be found easily. Finally, use a planner or notebook to write down each class as well as things you need to accomplish before the next class meeting and due dates. The list allows for prioritization among your classes and crossing off tasks on this list ensures you are prepared for each class.

It’s not always the content that you learn in college that is the most important. Often, it’s the little things like time management and organization that lead to being the most successful person you can be.