Editorial Editor

Kindness Day for Northwestern is upon us.

The official day for being kind is November 10. All around campus different clubs and organizations have decided to celebrate by extending an arm to others.

Each club participating is taking time to set an example of what kindness means, how to demonstrate it and acts of kindness can happen everyday.

Some of the events happening around campus will be the library serving popcorn in the morning, Chemistry Club writing letters of encouragement and the Campus Cabinet handing out soap products in the Student Center during the morning.

Many members and businesses around the city of Alva will be providing kindness to the community. The support from the local area has also encouraged memebers of the community to participate.

The town of Alva fully supports the college and the Northwestern Oklahoma community.

Spreading kindness and joy throughout campus is something that can be done everyday.

The Northwestern campus is somewhere that goodwill can thrive and flourish because of the people involved in the celebrations on Kindness Day.

As a student myself, I love to see when someone holds the door for the person behind them, folds their neighbors’ clothes in the laundry room or something as simple as saying thank you to the person who scans your card in the cafeteria.

Kindness to me is taking action to better someone’s day. It can look many different ways, be big or small, but in the end will better someone’s day.

I think that people should strive to be kind everyday and make someone’s day brighter.

It is important to remember that people go through tough patches all the time, and you may never know what the person you see on campus is experiencing in their personal life.

Doing an act of kindness can mean something deep to a person who is encountering a rougher patch of life.

The smallest act that you may not think twice about could be the highlight of another person’s week.
I encourage people to practice one act of kindness a day, to not only improve your mood by helping someone, but also help your peers and try to make someone have a better day.

Earlier in the year, I had an act of kindness done to me that stands out. I was stressed and overwhelmed with homework and had just attended a meeting with my advisor about dropping a class because I couldn’t keep up with the work. There had been a health scare with my cat and I was scared he would be put down soon.

It was a whirlwind of a week and I had gotten a gust of motivation and decided to clean my room to relive stress. I started my laundry but quickly had to run errands around campus. When I came back, I took a nap and then started doing homework.

I had been doing my work for quite some time and had forgotten to get my laundry from that morning. I received a text from a person in the dorms that had put my laundry in the dryer, used their dryer sheets and folded the clothes when they were complete.

That honestly made my day and made me smile. I really appreciated what the girl down the hall did for me.

I think people should always want to do an act of kindness. Challenge yourself this month and do a kind act to help someone else.

To showcase your act of kindess on November 10, use the hashtag, #BeKindNWOK. This will spread awareness about Kindness Day and encourage an act of kindness.