By Megan Maharry

Sports Editor

Haleigh Brown is a senior elementary education major who is finishing the last stretch of her college years.

She is also playing in the final season of her colligate soccer career. Brown grew up in the tiny town of Lahoma before she moved to Yukon her junior year of high school. Despite the slightly rough transition, Brown settled into her new high school.

After she graduated, Brown attended Oklahoma aCity Community College for a year, but decided not to play soccer. She later realized how much she missed the sport.

She then transferred to Rose State and returned to the pitch. She said it was slightly difficult to come back after taking a year off, especially fitness wise.

“I didn’t get recruited straight out of high school like all the other girls, so it was different,” Brown said.

Brown was then recruited by former head coach Craig Liddell to join the Lady Ranger squad at NWOSU. Brown knew about NWOSU already, as her mom graduated from NWOSU with her bachelor’s degree.

Brown said she likes being at NWOSU. She loves the education department and living in the dorms.

She spoke highly of being apart of the soccer team.

“I like being a part of something that has such amazing girls,” Brown said. “We’re all really close.” After graduating in May,

Brown plans to begin teaching. She said she wants to teach at either the fifth or sixth grade level.

Brown is also getting married to her fiancé Brooks in July. Brown said her career goal is to impact children.

“I want to change the world kid by kid,” Brown said. “I want to be a role model for them when they may not have on at home.”